Media Release: Twins of management and organization

Twins for Innovations in Management

Management is one of few remaining sustainable competitive advantages. As it touches everyone’s lives, anywhere and anytime, better management is every leader’s primary responsibility. But times have changed. In the digital economy, traditional management has lost its impact. Innovations for a better design of management are needed as we have documented in various research publications and multiple management books. In line with our findings of 10 years of research with 450 companies, we are introducing twins for innovations in management—in anticipation of virtual reality experiences.

Management is an intangible capability. We cannot see it and, therefore, it is difficult to advance it. Our twins make organizations and management visible and malleable. They are visible dynamic copies of the real-world. With them, leaders can view present conditions, anticipate opportunities, plan changes, test decisions, and transfer that experience into the real world. Our organization twins reduce cost, limit risks, and accelerate business growth in many ways.

Our organization twins combine survey information with benchmarks and present that information through visual thinking aids in various dimensions such as culture, operating systems, collaboration, agile maturity, management models, leadership style, life cycle stage, and competitive advantage.

Organization twins enable collaborative and interactive work in a safe setting where executives can toss around ideas without fear. They remain in charge of decisions and benefit from scenarios and simulations to test alternatives. In combination, organization twins are an innovation that enables innovations in management.

Organization twins are available from our partners. Accredited partners with offices in many parts of the world support executives, teams, and organizations with their managerial challenges.

Since 2002, we create twins of organizations with the AI-based operating system for dynamic leadership.

Management Insights is an independent and privately owned company with headquarters in Zuoz, Switzerland.

For more information, contact Lukas Michel, founder and author, or our partners across the world.

Experience the free  TWIN.


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Published: 13:55:58 27.01.2023 Lukas Michel